Thursday, 28 April 2011

Crit - File Review

For our file review we had to produce one corner of our jewellery box.  I was looking to combine my details of clips with the idea of a box that is not a box.  I am blurring the edge of the box, creating many lines along the edge to obscure the boundary between interior and exterior.  The conceptual model I made last was of 6 tubes making up each edge.  Where these tubes met they did not print.  Anytime there is an intersection it was not printed.  This negative detail is quite interesting.  It adds to the 'box that is not a box' concept - the points that you expect to be there are not.  While the box I am making suggests a box form, it has none of the functions of a box.  It does not hold objects in it, it does not have a lid.
I have decided to make a box that has many broken lines on each vertical edge.  Where these lines meet I have cut them away - at no point will two lines cross.  These lines will be clipped together.  I have designed a clip that will fit around all these lines, fitting them together at the right angle.  There will be 4 clips plus a base for each corner.  All the corners will be the same.  There will be more lines running across the box that the jewellery can be slid or clipped onto.
FEEDBACK: The clip is the most interesting looking part - it even looks like jewellery.  Why have you switched from a continuous line to broken lines?  Continual line is a stronger image.

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