Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Meeting with the Planners

After our file review we had a 'play date' with the 3rd year planning students.  This was organized by our tutors and was to help us form connections with each other.  This may be useful in the future, both within and outside of the school.  We did a finger painting exercise to help us break the ice.  We had to try and convey what we thought the other degree was all about with finger painting.  We were put into small groups of 5 for this.  Within our small group the architect students thought that planning was about looking at the whole of a cities layout, the connections between different elements and the infrastructure to support the city.  This was true - the planners also look at the cultural and social impact of city planning.  They had just come back from a trip to a Marae, looking at the importance of culture and how planning impacts everyday life.  
 The planning students saw architecture mainly as the finished product - the building, usually referred to as something large scale.  Amy drew and talked about how there is many design decisions and thought that goes into a building.  She said that while we see a finished product, there was much thought and process to get there.  It was nice to see that others outside of Architecture school can appreciate what goes into designing.  

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