Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Theorist Elizabeth Diller - 1954-present

Elizabeth Diller could be considered an accidental architect.  Starting out studying for an arts degree, she took an architecture paper to better study space and culture.  She enjoyed it so much she completed her degree in Architecture instead. 
Even once she was in practice, (at Diller + Scofidio, with husband and business partner Ricardo Scofidio, and later Diller, Scofidio + Renfro), she did not look to undertake mainstream architectural projects.  Instead, most of her early work was installation pieces – art, video, electronic.  As Diller went into practice, she also started lecturing at Princeton University.  Learning and research are very important at Diller’s firm.  Every project has a vast amount of research backing up the design ideas.  Some works are research projects that have later produced designs.  Diller does not prescribe to the modern design theory of “I was inspired by…”.  Every design is well thought out and backed up with information. 
Despite her understated start in the architectural world, genius does not go unnoticed.  Diller and Scofidio were joint winners of the first McArthur grant awarded to architects.  Diller was capable of undertaking extensive research and innovative, experimental projects due to the monetary freedom gifted by her joint win.  They took one semester off from lecturing every year for five years to work full time at their practice.  This is when they started to work on some bigger, built projects (like the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston).
Diller’s works all look at the innovative use of space, cultural and societal influences and some shift of context.  Whether this shift is like in the Blur Building, where water creates the space instead of being the element to be contained or built against; or the shift is in a stair detail, where the stairs are cut down instead of pushed up, there is always a contextual shift.   
Culture, space, movement, context, media.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

'Poor' Jewellery - Redesign

Using ideas from my chosen Architectural detail I have redesigned my jewellery.  I now have a diamond bracelet.  This creates more opportunities for an interesting surface treatment.  I have used the detail to help with the structural element of the bracelet, and the overall form has changed to achieve a 3-dimensional quality similar to the Allianz Arena.   Thank you to Svantje for modeling.  

Theorist Walter Benjamin - 1892-1940

Walter Benjamin was many things during the course of his lifetime – a philosopher, literary critic, literary and cultural theorist, sociologist and essayist.  To encompass all these, Walter Benjamin can primarily be considered an intellectual and a critical thinker.  
During his life there were many dramatic changes in the social, cultural and political landscape surrounding Benjamin.  As a German-Jew living in pre-WW1 Germany Benjamin at times was living a precarious existence.  Advances in technologies, tumultuous political scenes around Europe, economic chaos, the collapse of traditional values and extreme political views formed the social fabric of life in Germany.  To be living in a country undergoing constant changes in all cultural aspects led Benjamin to recognize the need to rapidly rethink and critique society to keep in check these changes.  This cultural environment helped to form some of the key themes and ideas of his writing – destruction, (re)construction and disorientation.
 Benjamin is a key contemporary thinker.  The purpose of his writing was always a present and often political idea.  His work and writing explored many obscure and historical themes, but always related back to a contemporary issue.  He was a modernist.  Benjamin did not seem to have one particular topic of interest.  He wrote prolifically on literature, politics, language, media, theology and law.  He looked at how these topics influenced and were influenced by culture and society.  His work was eclectic and provocative, but this broad scope has meant that his work is still widely referenced today, although particularly amongst the disciplines in the humanities.   His ideas and criticisms are quite broad, making it easy for current critics to bend his views to support their own. 
Benjamin was ambitious; his goal from early in life was to “be considered the foremost critic of German literature”.  He achieved this, posthumously.    Critical theories were abundant during Benjamin’s lifetime.  Marxism, fascist and communist ideas shaped the political landscape.  Benjamin wanted literary theory to gain the same kind of notoriety. 

Wednesday, 9 March 2011


Allianz Arena, Munich
We were tasked to find an architectural detail (1:20 or 1:50) that we like.  I have taken a detail of the Allianz Arena in Munich, Germany from the aptly named journal Detail (2005 Sept., v.45, n.9, pg. 972-3, 975).  We had to use this detail to help us redesign our ‘Poor’ Jewellery.  I am looking at the connections between the facade and structure to help with the connection between card and ring.  It would be interesting to treat the card like the pillow facade...  Bend it? Inflate it? Overlap it?  I need a way to clip the card and structure.

‘Poor’ Jewellery

Using only found or everyday objects, we were tasked with making jewellery for under $10.  I constructed a beautiful, delicate necklace out of jump rings.  I was looking to make something that looked intricate (and shiny).
I also have a set of rings and broaches made with playing cards.  I was trying to spell out words with the cards – Love and Hate.  I am most pleased with the diamond ring – who would not want their own diamond ring!  I think the idea behind this piece is quite ingenious, I will continue to use this.  


For our all school charette we looked at the traditional Japanese way of paper model making.  We had to design our model houses so they would unfold or pop up.  My house was designed as one singular net.  I challenged myself to make the house from one piece of paper, and to make it include stairs.  The furniture popped up out of the floor and the stairs folded out of the wall.  The furniture is reminiscent of flat pack furniture.  It was a success!  (Ranked #6).